Monday 28 March 2016

The Hardest Part of a Blog Post is the Pictures

I honestly think that I would blog more if it wasn't for having to upload pictures.  I love a good post with some good pictures but the whole getting the pictures from my camera to my computer, sorting through them and uploading them into a post is such a chore.  And so instead of doing all that I just don't blog at all.

Let me tell you about being a working mom.  I know I'm not the first to do it and I won't be the last, but it's hard.  It's not really as hard as I thought....we are adapting to it, we're getting through the day.  But it's definitely been a change.

Before I go to bed I need to make sure that everything is ready for the next day, my clothes are ready, Parker's bag is ready, my lunch is ready and I've showered.  I mean, I don't have to do all of this.  But if I want to sleep until 6am then I do.  And I need my sleep to be able to function.  (Someone should tell Parker that at 2am).

Due to my hour commute I'm pretty crammed for time.  I have to drop Parker off before 7 to get to work for 8 so that I can leave right at 4 to be home for him at 5.  No working overtime. Unless of course I have arranged for Ryan to pick him up.  Which sometimes is a blessing, but sometimes when I'm in the middle of something leaving at 4 is tough.  

That's been the toughest part.  There used to be so much flexibility.  I could work the hours I wanted, I could grocery shop when I wanted or stop at the mall on my way home. 

I understand now why people with kids get annoyed when people without kids say that they are busy.  And I only have one kid and he doesn't play sports yet, so I don't even know what busy is!  People without kids are busy too.  But it's a different kind of busy.  Their busy is by choice, it's all things they've chosen to add into their day, whereas once you have kids the busy is all of the things that you have to do for them, and of course love to do for them, but you can't just stop.

And then at the end of the day when all of that stuff is done and I have a tiny little person crawling all over me and clinging to my legs, blogging doesn't happen.  But I want it to.  I want to remember these moments and what life is like at that stage.  So I'm going to try harder.  I promise.

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