Thursday 11 July 2013

Throwback Thursday: My First Job

Time for another Throwback Thursday!  My job in high school was amazing.  There was none of that jumping around from job to job for me.  I got my job in Grade 9 and stayed with it until I went to University.

I was a concession girl at the local arena.  This means that I sold things like pop and chips, chocolate bars, 5 cent candies and made french fries and chicken fingers.  But we also had time to have a lot of fun.  I started at a measly $6.40 an hour, which seemed great for someone who had never earned an income before.  I worked with some great girls, and in our down time (which was often), we would always have fun together.

One time we set up all of the 5 cent candy boxes with a spoon and one 5 cent candy on the far side and dominoed them so that the 5 cent candy would go flying.  That's productivity right there.

That was back in the day when I had a metabolism that didn't allow me to put weight on.  We could eat whatever we wanted while we were there.  Oh man, the self control I would need if I worked there now.  We ate french fries and at least one chocolate bar every shift. 

We were also allowed to do our homework there.  Win win situation, right? 

The other young folk that worked there were the Rink Rats.  Yes, I do believe that was their actual title.  They were the boys who would do some cleaning and go out onto the ice while the Olympia (I called it a Zamboni once and was told that it was actually an Olympia) was resurfacing the ice to move the nets.  It was the type of job that you could make friends at because you worked so closely with individual people.

It was a sad day when I had to quit that job because I was leaving for University. 
I have no pictures at work, but this is me and my booth buddy back in highschool


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